Compare 2 folders
Compare 2 folders

compare 2 folders

I leave all kinds of stuff in that directory, including files that contains important sample scripts and sample text files, spreadsheets, and databases. I can type a simple command to compare two folders.įor example, I use a folder named fso that is located directly off of the root of the C: drive as my scratch directory.

compare 2 folders

However, with Windows PowerShell, I do not need to write a script.

compare 2 folders

In the past, I might write a script to compare two folders to ensure they are identical. This is especially true because I am still working while doing the migration, and there is always a danger of missing something. Most of the major things are automatically transferred, but there are always a few folders that seem to get left behind. The old laptop will be paved, so it is important to ensure I get everything copied to the new laptop. My manager bought me a new laptop, and I have been busy working on it installing software, copying files, and migrating settings. The early morning rain gave way to a colorful rainbow. It is an absolutely beautiful day in Charlotte, North Carolina. Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson illustrates how to compare two folders by using Windows PowerShell.

Compare 2 folders